About Dr. Burkey

Dr. Mark L. Burkey is a Professor of Economics at North Carolina A&T State University. He is a Regional Scientist/Microeconomic Theorist who specializes in spatial modeling. His recent work combines Economic Theory, GIS, and Operations Research methods in order to analyze the accessibility of facilities (such as hospitals), and how accessibility can be most efficiently improved. He is also adept at applying spatial econometrics to answer research questions.

Dr. Burkey has been a Principal Investigator on grants from the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, US Department of Transportation, and the University of North Carolina System. His research has been published in journals such as Annals of Regional Science, Transportation Research Part A, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, The Review of Regional Studies, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, Economic Analysis and Policy, OR Insight, Natural Resources Journal, and Environmental and Resource Economics.

Dr. Burkey loves making YouTube videos to help students everywhere learn economics, statistics, GIS Software, and econometrics (including a new project on Spatial Econometrics). See www.burkeyacademy.com for a complete listing of videos. Dr. Burkey is also the co-editor of The Review of Regional Studies, a journal on Regional Science: The Intersection of Geography and Economics. Read it for free here: www.srsa.org/rrs

On a more personal note, Dr. Burkey is married to Angela, and has a wonderful son named Pierce. They live in beautiful Greensboro, North Carolina, USA.

See my Academic CV for more information.

Education: Ph.D. in Economic Theory, Duke University

BS in Banking, Economics, and Mathematics, Appalachian State University

Where Dr. Burkey has been lately...

    • Dr. Burkey presented papers at the SRSA in Washtington, DC and NARSC in Atlanta, GA on health care accessibility in 2013.

    • Pierce (4 years old) and I have been hiking a lot-- he can go for a few miles without complaining-- I wish I could!

    • Dr. Burkey presented a paper at the North American Regional Science Council meetings in Ottawa, Canada in November, 2012. I got to watch the Remembrance Day ceremonies in front of Parliament.

And where he is going...

    • Coming up next are the Southern Regional Science meetings in San Antonio, TX in March 2014.

    • Dr. Burkey is currently working on a Spatial Econometrics teaching project. Working with Don Lacombe at WVU and others, he is putting together a set of YouTube videos and other teaching tools to help people learn how to do spatial econometrics from start to finish, including using GIS tools! This ambitious project will take many, many months. Stay tuned for more information!

Some of Dr. Burkey's Other Writings...

Eiselt, H.A., Bhadury, J., and Burkey, Mark L. “An Optimization-Based Framework for Modeling Counterterrorism Strategies”, forthcoming in OR Insight, doi:10.1057/ori.2011.24 (Palgrave-Macmillan).


Edwards, Jeffrey A., R. Gary Pumphrey, Lucia Barbato, Lyubov Kurkalova, and Mark L. Burkey. “Building a Simple General Model of Municipal Water Conservation Policy for Communities on the Ogallala Aquifer”, forthcoming in Natural Resources Journal Vol. 52 (2012).


Snarr, Hal W., Dan Friesner, and Mark L. Burkey. “Unintended Migration Consequences of US Welfare Reform”, forthcoming in Economic Analysis and Policy Vol. 41(3) (December 2011).


Burkey, Mark L. “Decomposing Geographic Accessibility into Component Parts: Methods and an Application to Hospitals”, Annals of Regional Science, 48(3), June 2012, 783-800.


Romero, Alfredo A. and Mark L. Burkey. “Debt Overhang and the Eurozone: A Spatial Panel Analysis”, The Review of Regional Studies, 41(1), Summer, 2011, 49-63.


>Burkey, Mark L. "Spatial Pricing Models with Lumpy Transportation Costs: The Case for Travel Cost Subsidization", Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, (Springer) Vol 4(3) (October 2011), 197-206.


Burkey, Mark L. “Geographic Access and Demand in the Market for Alcohol”, The Review of Regional Studies, Vol. 40, No. 2, Fall, 2010, 159-179.


Obeng, Kofi and Mark Burkey. “Explaining crashes at intersections with red light cameras” Transportation Research Part A, 2008, Vol. 42, No. 5, 811-817.


Burkey, Mark L. “A Brief Introduction to Marginal Analysis for the Micro-Economics Principles Course”, Journal of Economics and Finance Education, 2008, Vol. 7(2), 1-3.


Burkey, Mark L. “Selling the Store to the HMO: A Life Insurance Contract for Optimal Provision of Care” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2008, Vol. 65, No. 1, 118-132.


Snarr, Hal and Mark L. Burkey. “A Preliminary Investigation of Welfare Migration Induced by Time Limits” Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 2006, Vol. 36, No.2, 124-139.


Obeng, Kofi and Mark Burkey. “Explaining Property Damage from Crashes at Signalized Intersections” Transportation Planning and Technology, June 2006, Vol. 29(3), 217-231.


Burkey, Mark L. “On ‘Arbitrage’ and Market Efficiency: An Examination of NFL Wagering” New York Economic Review, Fall 2005, Vol. 36(1), 13-28.


Burkey, Mark L. and Scott P. Simkins. “Factors Affecting the Location of Payday Lending and Traditional Banking Services in North Carolina” Review of Regional Studies, Fall 2004, Vol. 34(2), 191-205.


Burkey, Mark L. and Garey C. Durden. “The Political Economy of Clean Air Legislation: An Analysis of Voting in the U.S. Senate on Amendments to the 1990 Clean Air Act,” Environmental and Resource Economics, March 1998, Vol. 11(2), 119-134.
